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版主: nnezyj, why1812
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[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】炮弹专家 The Specialist(1994) attach_img agree sars1105 24-8-28 14:13 14736 lvqj69 25-1-5 11:16
[中文菜单] 使用BDedit+PS+Scenarist designer ps制作IG类型中文菜单 attachment agree sars1105 24-8-23 15:48 171216 kobeily123 24-11-21 11:58
[中文菜单] 菜单类型归属问题咨询 attach_img sars1105 24-8-19 14:49 18633 auto68 25-1-20 14:45
[中文菜单] 求教怎么修改蓝光菜单才能在影片一开始播放就自动加载第一条字幕 attach_img xp5920 24-5-29 15:15 182064 xp5920 24-5-31 21:01
[中文菜单] 关于QuickBD Menu软件的问题 attach_img 邁出舞步 22-10-2 22:02 83403 ddrtottr 23-11-4 04:38
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】大鱼海棠 Big Fish and Begonia 2016 美版原盘 - [售价 1 大洋] agree JustMonika 22-4-18 20:01 94688 Morven3366 22-4-19 13:54
[中文菜单] [Python源码]MKV 音轨/字幕轨 按规则重命名 attach_img yuling0320 20-10-12 21:02 158733 laomeier 21-10-23 09:45
[中文菜单] 请教一下派拉蒙菜单问题 hugh217 20-3-11 11:25 158914 花花世界 21-4-30 21:38
[中文菜单] [已解决]求助!哪位大神有anydvd hd或以下版本 meitp 18-1-8 17:05 57328 花花世界 21-4-28 16:58
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】甜蜜蜜.Comrades.Almost.a.Love.Story.1996 港版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 17-7-3 00:03 3919675 sars1105 24-8-28 14:06
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】金刚狼3:殊死一战 Logan (2017) 台版原盘 彩版 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 17-7-2 10:53 3719651 x-man023 24-1-25 10:21
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】金刚:骷髅岛.Kong: Skull.Island.2017 attach_img agree  ...23 wj102901 17-6-26 01:11 4120013 侯烽 24-2-2 19:07
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】女尸谜案 El Cuerpo AKA The Body 2012 西班牙版 attachment agree  ...2 i6henl 17-6-4 21:43 3120070 zxun371 21-12-14 06:45
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】长城 The Great Wall 2016 CEE版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 17-6-1 01:33 2115790 ayl0228 21-4-27 12:40
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】一条狗的使命.A.Dog's.Purpose.2017.台版原盘 attachment agree wj102901 17-5-29 23:45 1913632 saying 18-3-28 18:34
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】看不见的客人 Contratiempo AKA The Invisible Guest 2016(西班牙高码版) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 i6henl 17-5-17 09:53 6133185 auto68 25-1-26 13:47
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】德国83年.Deutschland.83.S01.DISC1.2015 attachment agree wj102901 17-5-15 19:20 139278 zxun371 23-5-24 15:25
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】极限特工3:终极回归 xXx: The Return of Xander Cage (2017) 美版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 17-5-8 22:44 3416912 wenxiansc 23-11-24 15:52
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】天空之眼.eye.in.the.sky.2015 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 17-3-7 09:28 3920491 zjf2018 21-7-19 10:14
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】时空恋旅人.About.Time.2013.台版原盘 attachment  ...2 wj102901 17-3-7 02:05 3718916 lc2581 24-7-9 02:24
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】深海浩劫 Deepwater.Horizon.2016 attachment agree  ...2 zvxc122 17-2-18 20:30 3016463 wanqiuxue 20-1-3 22:18
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】萨利机长 Sully 2016 CEE版原盘 attachment agree  ...23 wj102901 17-1-19 00:32 5524882 hhh123 20-11-1 11:19
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】八月迷情\声梦奇缘 August Rush 2007 港版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 17-1-8 22:02 2813899 auto68 24-12-6 09:28
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】末代独裁.The.Last.King.Of.Scotland.2006 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-12-26 01:58 2814765 sjqwsy 22-12-21 09:05
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】德古拉元年 Dracula Untold 2014 CEE版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-12-21 23:46 3817678 Titan 20-4-7 02:39
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】佩小姐的奇幻城堡 Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 2016 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-12-16 23:37 3315380 wudibaolu 17-7-15 13:18
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】萨利机长 Sully 2016 attachment agree  ...23 wj102901 16-12-15 23:30 4322396 Afans 23-12-22 21:15
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】地球脉动 第二季 Planet Earth Season 2 2016 heatlevel agree  ...234 wj102901 16-12-12 00:31 6032099 paging 21-5-22 14:15
[中文菜单] 【中文字幕】摩根/魔诡(台)Morgan.2016.HDChina美版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 kevin9611 16-12-7 15:04 3015997 绿卡好了 21-11-15 17:01
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】招魂 The Conjuring 2013 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-12-6 21:29 2917775 花花世界123 21-4-30 12:51
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】明日边缘 Edge of Tomorrow 2014 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-12-5 00:26 2313830 Sawer 22-6-29 18:03
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】冲出宁静号 Serenity (2005) attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-12-2 20:52 2313434 wj102901 17-7-13 10:56
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】麦克法兰 McFarland, USA 2015 美版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-29 21:09 2012380 wudibaolu 17-6-26 22:19
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】谍影重重5Jason.Bourne.2016.US美版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 kevin9611 16-11-29 10:44 2916629 wudibaolu 17-7-13 10:47
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】冰川时代5:星际碰撞.Ice.Age: Collision.Course.2016 欧版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-27 21:30 2715178 框子吉 18-6-2 08:34
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】【丁度·巴拉斯作品集】少妇的诱惑.Così.fan.tutte.1992 attachment agree  ...23 wj102901 16-11-23 18:03 4830058 happyhigh 24-6-30 02:56
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】【丁度·巴拉斯作品集】情人别为我哭泣.Trasgredire.2000 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-22 18:12 3015703 nsonline 20-6-7 23:05
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】【丁度·巴拉斯作品集】奸情.Monamour .2006.美版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-22 18:09 3522324 zxun371 22-11-23 12:21
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】【丁度·巴拉斯作品集】厨房春光.Kick.the.Cock.2008.美版原盘 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-22 18:05 2419403 wudibaolu 17-7-12 10:20
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】你不要走.Stay.as.You.Are.1978 attach_img agree kevin9611 16-11-22 14:30 1610053 wudibaolu 17-7-12 10:19
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】独立日:卷土重来 Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-19 03:27 3418715 ayl0228 21-4-23 09:18
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】屏住呼吸.Don't.Breathe.2016.1080p.Blu-ray attach_img agree kevin9611 16-11-18 17:45 189347 绿卡好了 21-11-15 17:03
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】赴汤蹈火.Hell.or.High.Water.2016 attach_img agree  ...2 kevin9611 16-11-16 00:04 2112511 绿卡好了 21-11-15 17:01
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】机械师2:复活 :Mechanic Resurrection (2016) attachment agree  ...23 i6henl 16-11-16 00:00 4323781 穿风衣的猫 23-8-26 19:07
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】绝对权力.Absolute.Power.1997 attachment agree kevin9611 16-11-15 16:04 158900 guide 17-2-6 23:24
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】星际迷航3:超越星辰 Star Trek Beyond (2016) attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-15 01:37 3214307 sars1105 24-8-24 14:29
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】超脑48小时 Criminal 2016 attach_img agree  ...2 zvxc122 16-11-14 20:52 2814317 bokee 23-6-5 18:43
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】碟中谍5:神秘国度 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015) attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-14 12:59 3014094 ttfd 19-5-4 10:54
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】危情时速 Unstoppable (2010) attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-14 12:51 2013696 小花楹 20-7-9 19:11
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】美国队长3 Captain America: Civil War (2016) attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-13 22:57 3717366 灰色烟嘴 20-10-26 17:01
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】火星救援 The Martian (2015) attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-13 22:40 2514002 hgl 18-10-11 18:56
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】极度深寒&异形杀机 美版双片装 attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-13 22:03 2513812 sars1105 24-8-28 14:05
[中文菜单] 【中文菜单】007:幽灵党 Spectre (2015) attachment agree  ...2 wj102901 16-11-13 21:40 3315233 Big的巨人 22-4-9 18:45


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